3.3.2. Environment and EMIL Commands¶
The following are basic and most common commands for the Molcas environment variables and input language (EMIL):
Molcas home directory.
Memory definition in Mb. Default 1024.
Printing level: 2 Normal, 3 Verbose
Name used for the project/files.
Scratch directory for intermediate files.
- >> Do While
Start of a loop in an input file for geometry optimization with conditional termination.
- >> Foreach
Start of a loop in an input file over a number of items.
- >> EndDo
End of a loop in an input file.
- >> If ( condition )
Start of If block.
- >> EndIf
End of If block.
- >> Label Mark
Setting the label “Mark” in the input.
- >> Goto Mark
Forward jump to the label “Mark” skipping that part of the input.