4.2.14. ESPF (+ QM/MM interface) Description

The ElectroStatic Potential Fitted (ESPF) method adds contributions to the one-electron Hamiltonian for computing the interaction between the charge distribution in Molcas and any external electrostatic potential, field, and field derivatives. The approximate interaction energy is expressed as:

\[\Delta E^{\text{ESPF}} = \left ( \sum_a \braopket {\Psi} {Q^a} {\Psi} + Z_a \right ) V^a\]

with \(Q^a\) a multipole-like operator whose matrix elements are fitted to the electron potential integrals (determined on a grid surrounding the QM atoms) and \(V^a\) the external electrostatic potential (and derivatives) at nucleus \(a\). Both energy and gradient computations are available. A call to ESPF right after SEWARD is required to carry out such calculations.

NOTE: Always run SEWARD + ESPF. If not, very strange results may happen due to interactions counted twice or more!

NOTE: Symmetry is ignored since the external potential usually breaks the one given in GATEWAY.

If no external potential is given, the ESPF module can be used to compute atomic point charges fitted to the electrostatic potential produced by the nuclei and electrons. ESPF and QM/MM

Whereas the ESPF method can be used standalone, it has been developed for hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) computations, in which an extended molecular system is divided into two subsystems: the “active” center described by any QM method and its surroundings qualitatively treated with an empirical atomic forcefield. The current implementation can be used with either a modified version of the TINKER program or with the GROMACS program as MM code. Using Molcas together with TINKER

In order to obtain the modified TINKER code, you must run the “molcas get_tinker” command.

The current patched version of TINKER1 is 6.3.3.



IMPORTANT: The environment variable TINKER must point to the directory in which the TINKER executable binaries are stored (usually in $MOLCAS/tinker/bin).

The most convenient way to define (i) the QM and MM subsystems and (ii) which atoms are to be known by Molcas (all the QM ones and some MM ones, see below) requires to simply add the keyword TINKER in GATEWAY. This way, GATEWAY will ask TINKER to pass it all information needed.

Alternatively, the normal coordinate input in GATEWAY can be used. For MM atoms that are to be known by Molcas, if the atomic symbol is Xx, specify Xx...... / MM or Xx_MM in native or XYZ format, respectively. In this case you should make sure there is no mismatch between the Molcas and TINKER coordinates.

A final option is specifying COORD, with the atom labels to be used Molcas and some dummy coordinates; and then TINKER, which will pick up the TINKER coordinates, but keep the Molcas labels. In order to use this combination, the Expert keyword must be specified before TINKER too. Using Molcas together with GROMACS

The interface to GROMACS differs from the TINKER interface in that the MM code is not run as a separate program but included in Molcas as a library. In this way, the communication between the QM and MM codes is handled by simple function calls instead of using data files. The interface is automatically installed along with Molcas provided that the GROMACS library (currently a development version2) is available at configuration time3. Instructions how to install the GROMACS library can be found at the official web site4. Make sure that the installation is done in double precision since this is the precision used by Molcas. Also make sure to source the GROMACS GMXR script in your shell startup file. otherwise the Molcas configuration procedure will not be able to detect the relevant library path.




Configuration with CMake requires the flag -D GROMACS=ON



The recommended (and the only verified) approach of using the Molcas/GROMACS interface is to define the full QM+MM system in the GROMACS input. The system definition can then be imported into Molcas by adding the keyword GROMACS in GATEWAY (see Section 4.2.20 for details). For efficiency reasons, the Molcas part of the interface separates the MM subsystem into two different atom types: inner MM atoms and outer MM atoms. These are completely equivalent as far as interactions are concerned. However, whereas the coordinates of the inner MM atoms are stored and updated using Molcas standard mechanism, the outer MM atoms are handled using a mechanism specifically designed with large systems in mind. The division into inner and outer MM atoms can be controlled with options to the GROMACS keyword in GATEWAY (see Section 4.2.20).

Please note that the Molcas/GROMACS interface is still under development and is currently provided for evaluation purposes only. The QM/MM method

The Hamiltonian of the full QM/MM system is divided into three terms:


The first one describes the QM part as it would be in vacuo, the second one describes the surroundings using a classical MM forcefield and the last one deals with the interactions between the QM and the MM subsystems. In its usual formulation, the last term is (for \(q\) point charges interacting with \(N\) nuclei and \(n\) electrons):

\[H_{\text{QM/MM}}=\sum_{a=1}^{q}\sum_{b=1}^{N}\frac{Q_{a}Z_{b}}{R_{ab}}- \sum_{a=1}^{q}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{Q_{a}}{r_{ai}}+\sum_{a=1}^{q}\sum_{b=1}^{N}E_{ab}^{\text{vdw}}+ E^{\text{bonded}}\]

The first two terms deal with the electrostatic interactions between the QM charge distribution and the MM electrostatic potential. In Molcas the ESPF method is used for this purpose. A short-range van der Waals term is added (van der Waals parameters are assigned to all the atoms — both QM and MM). If the frontier between the two subsystems involves a bond, some empirical bonded terms may also be used. For the sake of simplicity, the standard MM parameters are kept unchanged for the MM atoms but should be modified (or calculated) for the QM atoms (e.g. it may be necessary to fit the QM van der Waals parameters).

The usual forcefields use the “1–4 condition” to separate the bonded interactions (stretching, bending, torsion) from the non-bonded ones (electrostatic and vdw). This means than the non-bonded potentials are applied only if atoms are separated by 3 bonds or more. As for the QM/MM interactions, this procedure is kept with the exception that all the QM atoms experience the electrostatic potential generated by all the MM point charges (the QM/MM frontier case is considered later).

NOTE: Starting with Molcas-8, all MM point charges interact with the QM charge distribution using the ESPF method (at variance with previous Molcas versions in which the few MM atoms defined in GATEWAY were interacting directly with the QM electrons and nuclei). Geometry optimization — microiterations

In a QM/MM geometry optimization job, a Molcas step costs as hundreds of TINKER or GROMACS steps. Thus it is very convenient to use the microiteration technique, that is, converging the MM subsystem geometry every Molcas step. In the case of TINKER, this is requested in the TINKER keyword file, whereas if GROMACS is used, it is requested directly in ESPF. In order to improve the optimization convergence, an improved QM/MM Hessian can be built in SLAPAF using the RHIDDEN keyword (note that adding the keyword CARTESIAN may help too). Dependencies

The ESPF program depends on SEWARD for modifying the core Hamiltonian matrix and on ALASKA for computing the extra contributions to the gradient. Files

ESPF will use the following input files: RYSRW, ABDATA, RUNFILE, ONEINT (for more information see Section In addition, ESPF uses ESPFINP (the ESPF input file) and SEWARINP (the Seward input file).

Please note that the external potential can be given within a file, separated from the ESPF input file.

In calculations using the Molcas/GROMACS interface, ESPF will additionally need access to the GROMACS tpr file. Intermediate files

All the intermediate files are related to the use of ESPF together TINKER. The files allow for communication between the ESPF program and the MM code. Molcas uses one file to pass the QM atoms coordinates and ESPF-derived point charges to TINKER. TINKER uses the same file to pass the external potential, the MM-only energy and gradient components to Molcas.


The log file of the Tinker run.


The coordinate file for TINKER.


The keyword file for TINKER.


The communication file between Molcas and TINKER. Output files


One-electron integral file generated by the SEWARD program.


Communication file for subsequent programs.


Ascii file containing some specific informations needed for subsequent calls to the ESPF module.


Logfile for the GROMACS library routines. Input

Below follows a description of the input to ESPF.

In addition to the keywords and the comment lines the input may contain blank lines. The input for each module is preceded by its name like:


Compulsory keywords


Specify how the external potential is given. This keyword is compulsory in the first run of ESPF. On the next line, one integer or a text string must be given:

  • One integer \(n\) is given. If \(n\) is 0, the next lines give the numbering, the values for the external potential, the field and field gradients for each atom. If \(n\) is greater than 0, the \(n\) next lines specify the sources of the external potential, each line gives three cartesian coordinates, one point charge, and (optionally) three dipole components. If Å is used as the length unit, the ANGSTROM keyword must be given right after \(n\).

  • The NONE word means that no external potential is given. Accordingly, the ESPF module will compute the atomic point charges (and optionally dipoles) deriving from the electrostatic potential due to all electrons and nuclei.

  • The word is TINKER, which means that the current job is a QM/MM job using the Molcas/TINKER interface. Accordingly the external potential will be computed directly by TINKER. Note that TINKER requires at least two input files, ending with .xyz (coordinates) and .key (keywords). These files must share the name of the current Molcas project. Optionally, you can add the MULLIKEN or LOPROP keyword after TINKER: it indicates what kind of charges are passed to TINKER. These charges may be used during the MM microiterations. If no keyword is given, the ESPF multipoles are selected.

  • The word is GROMACS, which means that the current job is a QM/MM job using the Molcas/GROMACS interface, with the external potential computed by GROMACS. The binary input file read by GROMACS, the so-called tpr file, must be named as “topol.tpr” and must be manually copied to the working directory. As above, a second keyword on the same line can be used to select the type of multipoles sent to the MM code. Default is to use the ESPF multipoles.

  • Any other word. The following characters up to the next space are taken as a file name and the rest of the line is ignored. Instead, the full input (including the first line) is read from the specified file and must follow the syntax specified above.

Optional keywords


Title of the job.


Multipolar order of the ESPF operators. For TINKER, allowed values are 0 (charge-like) or 1 (charge- and dipole-like). For GROMACS, only 0 is allowed. Default value is 0.


Modify the grid specifications. The grid is made of points belonging to molecular surfaces defined according to the van der Waals radii of each quantum atom. Two schemes are available. The first one is the GEPOL procedure, as implemented into the PCM SCRF method. The other one is called PNT and is the default. On the next line, first select the method with the GEPOL or PNT option. On the same line, one integer number and one real number are given if PNT is selected. The first one gives the maximum number of shells around the van der Waals surface of the quantum atoms. The second one gives the distance between the shells. Note that all points within the van der Waals envelope are discarded to avoid the penetration effects. Default values are 4 shells separated by 1 Å. Alternatively, if GEPOL is selected, the same line must contain 1 integer indicating the number of surfaces to be computed (must be < 6).


Requires the printing of the ESPF.DATA file.


Activate the Morokuma scheme for scaling the link atom positions in a QM/MM calculation. Note that in the case of TINKER, the scaling factor is currently hard-coded and is determined from the radii of the atoms involved in the QM/MM frontier bond. This differs from the GROMACS interface in which this factor must be provided by the user through the LINKATOMS keyword in GATEWAY.


Maximum number of microiterations used to optimize the outer MM atoms in a Molcas/GROMACS run. The default is 0, which disables microiterations and leaves the outer MM atoms frozen. For the TINKER interface, microiterations are requested in the TINKER keyword file.


Convergence threshold for the MM microiterations (GROMACS only). The optimization of the (outer) MM atoms will stop when the maximum force component is smaller than this number, in atomic units. The default is 0.001 atomic units (50 kJ/mol/nm). Examples ESPF example

This is a typical input for the calculation of the energy and the gradient of a glycine molecule feeling the external potential of 209 TIP3P water molecules.

Basis set
  C1   1.11820     0.72542    -2.75821 angstrom
  C2   1.20948     0.66728    -1.25125 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  O1   2.19794     1.10343    -0.67629 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  H1   2.02325     1.18861    -3.14886 angstrom
  H2   0.25129     1.31794    -3.04374 angstrom
  H3   1.02458    -0.28460    -3.15222 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  N1   0.17609     0.12714    -0.61129 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  C3   0.09389    -0.01123     0.84259 angstrom
  C4  -1.21244    -0.67109     1.28727 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  O2  -2.06502    -1.02710     0.48964 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  H4  -0.61006    -0.21446    -1.14521 angstrom
  H5   0.92981    -0.61562     1.19497 angstrom
  H6   0.16338     0.97444     1.30285 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  N2  -1.41884    -0.85884     2.57374 angstrom
End of basis
Basis set
  H7  -0.73630    -0.57661     3.25250 angstrom
  H8  -2.28943    -1.29548     2.82140 angstrom
End of basis


MultipoleOrder = 0
External = 0
1  -0.048 -0.002 -0.006 -0.001  0.007 -0.009  0.002 -0.001  0.001 -0.001
2  -0.047 -0.002  0.001 -0.002  0.003  0.000 -0.004  0.000 -0.001  0.000
3  -0.053  0.004  0.000 -0.011  0.002  0.002 -0.004  0.002  0.003 -0.007
4  -0.046  0.011 -0.009 -0.001  0.006 -0.005 -0.001  0.003  0.003 -0.004
5  -0.042 -0.016 -0.011 -0.006  0.005 -0.007  0.003 -0.004 -0.001 -0.005
6  -0.050  0.000  0.008  0.001  0.006 -0.006  0.000 -0.002  0.000 -0.001
7  -0.039 -0.008  0.001  0.000  0.001 -0.002  0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001
8  -0.032 -0.007 -0.002  0.004  0.002 -0.003  0.001 -0.002  0.002 -0.001
9  -0.011 -0.009  0.004  0.001  0.002  0.000 -0.002 -0.001  0.001  0.001
10  0.000 -0.011  0.003  0.004  0.001  0.002 -0.003  0.001 -0.001  0.001
11 -0.028 -0.008  0.004 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002  0.002 -0.001  0.001 -0.002
12 -0.026  0.003 -0.008  0.014  0.002 -0.001 -0.001 -0.008  0.006 -0.009
13 -0.037 -0.008 -0.003  0.004 -0.007  0.007  0.000  0.001  0.007 -0.001
14 -0.016 -0.007  0.007 -0.008  0.003  0.003 -0.006  0.000  0.002  0.002
15 -0.025  0.003  0.012 -0.007  0.003 -0.001 -0.002 -0.006  0.005  0.009
16 -0.010 -0.011  0.000 -0.014  0.001  0.007 -0.008  0.001  0.000 -0.001

Charge = 0

&alaska Molcas/TINKER example

A typical start for a QM/MM calculation with the Molcas/TINKER interface is given in the following input. It is quite general since all the information related to the QM and MM subsystem definitions are already included in the TINKER key file.

> EXPORT TINKER=$MOLCAS/tinker/bin_qmmm
> COPY $PATH_TO/$Project.xyz $WorkDir/$Project.xyz
> COPY $PATH_TO/$Project.key $WorkDir/$Project.key

Basis = STO-3G
Group = Nosym


External = Tinker

This can be used, e.g. with the following TINKER files. In this example, the asparate anion is cut into two pieces, the QM subsystem contains the end of the side-chain until the \(\beta\) carbon atom. There is a link atom between the QM \(\beta\) and MM \(\alpha\) carbon atoms.


16  ASP
 1 N3    -0.040452    0.189961    0.173219   448     2     6    14    15
 2 CT    -0.011045   -0.060807    1.622395   449     1     3     7    11
 3 C      1.446535   -0.110535    2.028518   450     2     4     5
 4 O      1.902105    0.960982    2.409042   452     3
 5 O      2.137861   -0.898168    1.387158   452     3
 6 H      0.559257   -0.496270   -0.262338   451     1
 7 CT    -0.789906   -1.336520    1.982558   216     2     8    12    13
 8 C     -2.256402   -1.184505    1.571038   218     7     9    10
 9 O2    -2.460769   -0.949098    0.356151   219     8
10 O2    -3.120135   -1.188969    2.465678   219     8
11 H1    -0.478878    0.773493    2.145163   453     2
12 HC    -0.356094   -2.194944    1.466324   217     7
13 HC    -0.720511   -1.505463    3.058628   217     7
14 H     -0.996208    0.061130   -0.151911   451     1
15 H      0.304306    1.116522   -0.018698   451     1
16 HLA   -0.283317   -0.506767    1.748300  2999     2     7


parameters $PATH_TO_TINKER/params/amber99.prm
QM -8 10 7 12 13
MM 2
LA 16
* Add the atom type for the LA
atom   2999    99    HLA     "Hydrogen Link Atom"        1      1.008     0
charge -2  0.0
charge -11 0.0

To be provided soon.